Unlike most surety bonds, business service bonds are not required by any specific obligee to guarantee a specific obligation, which means they do not have to be formally filed with any particular entity after being purchased.
That said, before entering into a new business agreement with an entity whose employees will work in their home and/or office, an individual or company might require proof of an active business service bond. This is because business service bonds protect consumers from potential theft that could be committed by company employees onsite.
When you receive your official SuretyBonds.com business service bond documentation via email, you can print the document or simply save the email for your records.
If you're working with an individual or company requiring proof of your active business service bond, you can simply email or print a copy of the documentation for them.
If you have any questions your business service bond at this time, email customercare@suretybonds.com or call 1 (800) 308-4358 to speak with one of our friendly representatives.